

South West Advocacy Network

South West Advocacy Network are independent advocates. They can provide support in writing letters, preparing appeals and support at meetings.

support service

True Vision

True Vision is the official Police website for hate crime. They have a lot of detailed information on hate crime. You can use their website to report hate crime to your local force. You can also report internet hate crime to them.



The Victims of Crime Advocacy Service (VOCAS) is a free, independent and confidential advocacy service for adult victims of crime and anti-social behaviour living in Avon and Somerset.

support service

Victim Support

Victim support offers emotional and practical support to all people affected by crime, and is committed to providing victims of crime and witnesses in court with appropriate and sufficient recognition, support and information.

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RAce and religion

Muslim Youth Helpline

Faith and culturally sensitive support by phone, live chat, WhatsApp or email.

0808 808 2008



A BME service specialising in culturally appropriate programmes for mental health, (re)offending behaviour and problematic substance abuse, Nilaari offers therapies and programmes tailored to individuals based in inner city Bristol.

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Roma Support Group

Roma Support Groups works to build bridges between Roma and non-Roma to overcome prejudice, foster understanding and improve the lives of Roma refugees and migrants in the UK.

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Gendered Intelligence

Community support for trans, non binary and gender diverse young people.

support service


Support, information and guidance for LGBTQ+ Muslims.

support service

Intercom Trust

Intercom Trust provide a free confidential helpline for LGBTQ+ people in the South West.



Social spaces for queer, trans and intersex people of colour.

community group



A free helpline offering computer support to disabled people, as well as disabled students’ assessments and workplace support.

0800 048 7642


Bristol Disability Equality Forum

Bristol Disability Equality Forum is an organisation of, and for, disabled people – whatever their impairment(s).

community group

Gig Buddies

Gig Buddies Bristol is a project that enables and empowers people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people by pairing them up with new friends with similar interests to attend events with.

support service


POhWER provides advocacy services for people with learning disabilities and/or mental health needs, as well as their carers.

0300 456 2370

support service

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